Saturday, 7 May 2011

saturday night

So I've found time out of my busy social life to post a little something. And when I say busy social life, I mean my usual Saturday night simultaneous movie watching and internet-ing. I just finished watching Star Wars, and as I watched the opening text retreating into the star-spangled distance and heard the music it really hit home that in no way is this a 'cool' way to spend a Saturday night. It also hit home how little that bothers me though, so it's all good.

Bought some gifts for Mother's Day with my sister today, one of which is a candle which smells exactly like gingerbread. In fact, it smells so good that we were tempted to taste some (much like I have done with so many delicious-smelling lip balms in the past, after which I resolved never to do so again). However, I am lucky enough to know of a bar which serves a cocktail that not only smells exactly like the candle, but also tastes good, rather than strange and waxy (I swear I didn't taste it, this is just conjecture). I'll need to get one of those bad boys soon though, or else the candle's in serious danger.

Also, I'm attending a 'flea market' tomorrow. I say 'flea market' because it's really more a collection of hand-made pretty things and vintage/second-hand clothing, as opposed to the image of flea-covered goods in grungy stalls that those words really bring to mind. Or maybe that's just me. So hopefully the day is somewhat successful and I can find a nice little something I can take home. However, it's far more likely I'll stand looking wistfully at the most ridiculously expensive item there, wondering wildly if the vendor would accept the clothes off my back as payment, before saying goodbye to it and leaving. But here's hoping it's the former.

Anyway, I have a lot more socialising (read: movie watching and facebook stalking) to attend to, so that'll be it for tonight. Thanks for not getting bored and wandering off before this point. Or, if you did get bored and wander off, thanks for returning.

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