Monday, 22 August 2011

i miss art

I really am missing doing something - anything! - related to art. I walk past the art buildings at uni and watch people walking into them and have to hope I'm not making crazy eyes at them as my brain shouts "take me with you!!". But, you know. Not in a weird way or anything.

I've been plastering my arms with drawings, which is nothing out of the ordinary, but I'm feeling a bit frustrated that I don't really take the time to come up with anything new. It's all seeming a bit over-done, which is annoying. I'll have to start getting out of my comfort zone a bit. Maybe.

I have, however, recently been really into the idea of drawing dragons. I'm not certain if it's because I recently read the hobbit, or because the idea of shading all those scales is appealing, but I think it mostly has to do with their overall bad-assery. (That word wasn't auto-corrected. Awesome.) I've tried doing some faces and things, but I won't upload them because they're not very good yet. I'm getting alright at doing scales though.

Just before I was listening to the podcast of a lecture, and I still had to sit there and draw! I wasn't even there, and I had to scribble! My focus really needs some work. Anyway, last year my boyfriend gave me a hollowed out book filled with little treasures, and because he'd hollowed out the book himself he gave me the pages he cut out so I could draw on them. I figured I might as well, and the result was actually pretty cool.

The book's called "Family Britain 1951 - '57", so I apologise in advance for any boring material the pages may contain.

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